In January 2020, Robert Williams from Michigan experienced a startling turn of events when he was wrongfully arrested based on a match from facial recognition technology (FRT). The incident, initiated by a call to his wife and followed by an arrest at his home, was due to the alleged theft of Shinola watches, identified through […]
Researchers at RMIT University conducted a study on illicit drugs bought online, discovering that approximately 35% of these substances did not match their advertised descriptions. This discrepancy poses increased risks such as adverse reactions, potential overdoses, and fatalities. The research, which appeared in the Drug and Alcohol Review, analysed 103 drug samples acquired from the […]
After a bombing or explosion, the investigative process is paramount in uncovering the truths of the event. For criminal justice officials, constructing a case and pinpointing culpability hinges on the scant evidence available at the scene. This evidence is vital for identifying, prosecuting, and ultimately securing a conviction of the perpetrator to thwart future incidents. […]
Traditional DNA analysis from crime scenes can be complex and expensive. However, researchers at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) have developed a promising new method that’s easier and cheaper to use. This new test focuses on “touch DNA,” which is genetic material left behind through casual contact. The importance of this research lies in […]